Chaos Knights Points; The Reckoning
"With the field shrouded in the darkness of the steel chaos monstrosities, we trembled in fear" Points Time! OH BOY! The time is nigh! We finally have points and let me tell you it is 95% great! Well maybe 90? 85? Its great for us in a vacuum, good overall! First off, I will ask, WHO at Games Workshop decided to make shooting in some armies silly cheap? While we have a case or two of this which is great, melee went up... and I am not sure why as melee in general is weaker. Well lets get down to the best part of all of this the points! I am going to list each unit, what I rated them pre-points and what they are post points. You can read my initial review in Part 1 here . Knight Tyrant Pre Points: 6 out of 11 Post Points: 7 out of 11, With it being cheaper than the Knight Valiant, I think we have a real interesting contender for TONK Knight! Toss Panoply on this in Flamer and Harpoon and just WALK up the table. 8" move is not great but we can at least walk through most t...