Chaos Knights Points; The Reckoning
"With the field shrouded in the darkness of the steel chaos monstrosities, we trembled in fear"
Points Time! OH BOY!
The time is nigh! We finally have points and let me tell you it is 95% great! Well maybe 90? 85? Its great for us in a vacuum, good overall!
First off, I will ask, WHO at Games Workshop decided to make shooting in some armies silly cheap? While we have a case or two of this which is great, melee went up... and I am not sure why as melee in general is weaker.
Well lets get down to the best part of all of this the points!
I am going to list each unit, what I rated them pre-points and what they are post points. You can read my initial review in Part 1 here.
Knight Tyrant
Pre Points: 6 out of 11
Post Points: 7 out of 11,
With it being cheaper than the Knight Valiant, I think we have a real interesting contender for TONK Knight! Toss Panoply on this in Flamer and Harpoon and just WALK up the table. 8" move is not great but we can at least walk through most things
Knight Abominant
Pre Points: 8 out of 11
Post Points: 8 out of 11
This is staying the same. The utility is still worth it and it is 35pts cheaper now! Nuff said!
Knight Rampager
Pre Points: 8 out of 11
Post Points: 8 out of 11
Sadly he lost 5 points... it isnt much but he can still wreck house. It really feels like GW took a hate stick to melee.
Knight Desecrator
Pre Points: 7 out of 11
Post Points: 8 out of 11
At 390pts we didnt get a HUGE break, 2.5% cheaper is cute. The nice thing is that this plus a Despoiler is 800pts which means you can do quite a lot together! I have a 2 and 8 list I want to test out personally.
Knight Despoiler, all hail the new King
Just wow... at 410 its "base" cost went up until you realize that this includes guns which range the Despoiler 120 to 180ish points. This is just amazing for us. Add in the Battle Cannon is by far the best weapon with the Thermal Cannon in second (Sorry Gatling guys, I played with it and into T5 its good, T6.... it is a struggle bus for certain)
2 of these in a list is going to be common but I like the Desecrator for Brigand support and for the really HARD targets.
War Dog Time! The Stalker
Pre Points: 7 out of 11
Post Points: 8 out of 11
Well well well, I honestly expected this to stay the same but 10pts cheaper is quite the boon. Especially since this is basically required to be the Warlord in our army (more on this in my upcoming part 3 of the Index review)
War Dog Huntsman
Pre Points: 6 out of 11
Post Points: 6 out of 11
While cheaper than before, this War Dog is not at a point where I am happy with it. Its cute overall but by the time I am struggling for options so I don't get eaten alive by Assassinate, I would work around other War Dogs.
War Dog Karnivore... what he could have been we shall never know...
I want 2 in a list.... but the points are tight and with the cost of Panoply 1 is really what we will likely get. This is sad. Going up 20pts for 1 more attack and a reroll charge was VERY harsh. I am not sure why GW did this when they were quite fair with the Brigand, but with all the other armies that were melee heavy going up, it seems GW wants more shooting... odd
The King of War Dogs, the Brigand
I will admit, I was expecting up to 175 tops for this but to lose 5pts. MONEY IN THE BANK! Take 4. Seriously, min 4 in a 2 and 8 list (I will show what I am thinking for a test list at the end)
The Lil War Dog that actually Could! The Executioner
Pre Points: 4 out of 11
Post Points: 6 out of 11
Tied for the cheapest war dog status this is going to make an appearance in lists to fenagle points. Now why this over a Stalker? Well, we don't want to give away assassinate points for free. As a Knight Army we are tempting people to take Bring it Down as a Fixed Objective. Taking 4 Characters is already tempting them with 16 secondary points for Assassinate so the Executioner is a good way to save points for at least 1 enhancement (Panoply)
Lord of Dread
Nope, not paying 35pts for this. Next!
The Traitors Mark
Here is a PERFECT example of GW not really understanding how our army wide works or its shortcomings. Let me explain.
Lets say you get this T1. Unless you are running Skull Cannons (expensive) this likely wont come up. Now while it COULD come up you have no feasible way T1 to force a non Towering or Aircraft unit to take a Battleshock test outside of a straggler or two in the open for Skull Cannons.
Well, now we are up to T2 when you realistically can force this. If you went first, not happening. If you went second you can realistically get a War Dog into place for at least 1 Battle Shock test. IF they happen to fail then YIPPEE! This worked. If they didnt fail (most armies will fail less than 50% of the time here) then you are out of luck. AH! I neglected to mention that they could just Insane Bravery that fail... yes there is that.
Overall, at 5points, sure its cute, why not, but 30pts? Ehhhhh nope. Moving on.
Aura of Terror
Pre Points: 8 out of 11
Post Points: 7 out of 11
This still has play. The issue is, we can get another War Dog into lists. In 9th there were established archetypes. 2 big knights and 7 small, 1 big and 10 small, and 13 small knights were the most common. Now? You can get 2 big and 8 small. 1 extra knight doesnt seem like much but more models on the table means more board control and more firepower! It adds up!
So this being 25pts is nice. Not something I will take unless I have for some reason 65pts open and if that happens, I am looking at adjusting my Knight roster.
Panoply of the Cursed Knights... oh boy you expensive!
At 40pts this is near its max in "I will take this almost all the time"
Now, NONE of these enhancements are auto takes, this is close. This makes AP 2 guns into AP0 for a big knight in cover. That is HUGE in a world where AP is lessened. On top of that -1 AP to melee attacks! These things add up and add up FAST!
Huge Fan!
Test List Ideas:
2 and 8 Tester
Total: 1995
Tyrant and its Mutts of War
Total: 1995
1 and 11? NANI!
Total: 1990pts
14 Dogs!
Total: 1990pts
In building these lists, I struggled to get everything I wanted. Karnivores are just so hard to add into lists at 160.
What builds are you thinking?
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