Off to the Races! OH, I mean games.

 Today is the day

The tournament is today. I sit here writing this at 5:40 in the morning. I have taken a shower, have combed my hair, brushed my teeth and am nervous. Not about the 2 hour drive, that will be fine. 

I am nervous over how things will turn out. I have my plan but in the end I know this is a losing battle. 

How do I know it is a losing battle? Well, I seem to have gotten a yellow card from my last event by breaking no ITC Code of Conduct rules. I did not cheat, threaten, attack, malign, etc my opponents. They were all fantastic people. Yet I got a yellow card for events held by that group. 

You can follow the rules and still lose in social situations. Odd that. 

My Chaos Knights,
there are many like them but mine have Scales!

That is neither here nor there though. This is about today! About my goal to make it through the day and not be kicked out of the event! I will not lie, if I do get kicked out and its not for anything serious I will be frustrated. If all it takes is me rubbing my opponent the wrong way because they think I am being too harsh or too mean when it is not my intention... I will likely cry. 

Sad is it not? A grown man crying? It happens though, we just break down. Oh, I will not likely cry there, I will likely  be on my way back home crying over this though. 

Why would I cry though? That is an interesting concept. You know, I recently started playing a game called Per Aspera. In this game you play an AI who is learning to be self aware. Now this may sound ridiculous but as the AI had Reflections and made decisions on what it was feeling at those times or thinking, I honestly related to it. Having to put a name to a feeling, having to sus out what exactly they meant or why they were existing, those things have always been a challenge for me. 

The latest Scale sleeve additions.
I need to Varnish them and grime them up next!

So here I am, nearly 6am, reviewing the plan. Will it work? Time will tell but honestly, I just want to have an event were I do not feel shame. Right now, every time I look at my 5th place medal for the tournament that gave me a yellow card, I just feel shame. Shame for failing, shame for ruining peoples weekends, shame for not remembering the single piece of advice that was most important, Controlling the things that you can and ignoring everything else. 

I am going today in about a half hour or earlier, going to go meet the Glacial Geek, a youtuber I follow and have loved his battle reports simply because win or lose he has so much fun. Maybe I can get some advice from him, maybe I can make a friend. Time will tell. 

This was my great friend Kevin's
idea that I ran with... Scale Banners

Alright, I am gonna stop the ramble, find some pretty artworks to toss onto here, and finish getting ready. The army is set, I have a trade to get a Venomcrawler kit (unbuilt) for Project Arachne, and I am looking forward to continuing this blog with a report of my success!

Have a great day everyone, and remember, the War against the Grey is always winnable!


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